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High prediction of left and right hand?

  1. Using the features electrical and infrared I got an interesting result.
  2. It was a very small sample so it could be anecdotal, but at 99% it is hard to ignore.
  3. I added some more data and it stayed in the 99% area
  4. Only works with both data features, IR and EC using time series classification.
  5. Individually using IR and EC on their own give low prediction. Time series

Vero board amplifier gives stable acurate readings.

Vero board

No noise in the data.

Accurate data

ML algorithm comparison for identity with raw data.

  • LR -> LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear', multi_class='ovr')
  • LDA -> LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
  • KNN -> KNeighborsClassifier()
  • CART -> DecisionTreeClassifier()
  • NB -> GaussianNB()
  • SVM -> SVC(gamma='auto')



Amplifier modified version (0.2)


Amplifier filter round shape


Amplifier filter round shape


Amplifier filter square shape


Battery holder


Animated GIFs


Electrical gif.


Infrared gif.Infrared gif.Electricity gif.


Normalized data by time and frequency.

Electrical activity normalized.

Electrical activity normalized.

Electrical activity normalized with FFT comparison

Electrical activity normalized with FFT comparison.

Infrared activity normalized.

Low pass filter amplifier in the raw.

Infrared activity normalized with FFT comparison.

Low pass filter amplifier in the raw.

Earlier images.

Low pass filter amplifier in the raw for the ECG.

Low pass filter amplifier in the raw.

Look for the electrical signal/pulse in the graph.

Look for the electrical pulse in the graph.

Hand movement graph

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